Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (1969) was a progressive book for its time that it ignited controversy. For example, the author endorsed women’s basic “right” to orgasm and to enjoy the pleasures of sex as much as men and “the family cat and dog.” He even advocated “sex for fun” (the recreational kind), masturbation and sex toys. Moreover, without delving into details, he clearly abstained from condemning prostitution, or that it should be criminalized. Despite such shockingly progressive views on the subject, he still held outlandish views in other areas and particularly traditional outlooks on menopause and homosexuality. This sexuality book could be seen a one crossing from one era into another, from an era of generations with parochial view of sex into an era that discusses the subject openly, and where people are willing to question what had been handed to them over the centuries. The book is loaded with an unusual blend of misconceptions, humorous statements, unproven claims, well-known traditional views and simultaneously rather radical ideas for its time on certain matters.

Below you could read the most controversial passages:

Despite all the frank, “for adults only,” films and books today, most people still are abysmally ignorant about sex. A jet pilot propels his airliner through space at 600 miles an hour—he cannot propel his own penis seven inches into a vagina. During the day a woman physicist explores the mysteries of nuclear particles. At night she is left to ponder the mystery of her own homosexuality. Most of us are in the uncomfortable position of knowing more about what occurs 238,000 miles away on the surface of the moon than what happens six inches below our own navels. […] There are at least a dozen well-written, honest books on swine-breeding—they tell the whole story, directly, scientifically, and sometimes even entertainingly. There should be at least one book about us—human beings—that does it the same way.


What do the whores do? What do the freaks do? What do the nice girls do that they didn’t find in the marriage manuals? […] There are at least a dozen well-written, honest books on swine-breeding—they tell the whole story, directly, scientifically, and sometimes even entertainingly. There should be at least one book about us—human beings—that does it the same way.1David Reuben M.D. , Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But were afraid to ask) (London: Butler & Tanner Ltd., 1969), 1-2.

How big is the normal penis?

Rarely does one encounter a gentleman who is satisfied with the size of his phallus. Even those endowed with obviously outsize organs yearn for more—”It could be just a little bit longer…”

This preoccupation with size leads to some unusual behaviour. Whenever two nude men encounter each other for the first time, in a public shower, a country club locker room, a YMCA swimming pool, their eyes go first to each other’s penises. Rapidly, sometimes almost imperceptibly, they measure the organ, compare it with their own, then continue with the matter at hand. Even in public washrooms, standing at the urinal, eyes dart swiftly to organs, the mental micrometer steps off the distance and makes the comparative calculation.

Perhaps one of the reasons behind this forlorn quest is the enormous disparity between the penises of father and child. At the age of three or four the parent’s phallus seems immense by comparison. Not until many years later at puberty does the son’s organ begin to catch up. By then the damage is done. Most men are never really sure that their penis has finally caught up to daddy’s.2Ibid., 2

Is it really true that the clitoris is simply a miniature penis?

Many experts consider the clitoris to be a penis that just didn’t grow. They describe the entire female genitalia as male organs that never matured. Understandably, all the scholars who feel this way are men. Women experts look at it another way. According to them, the penis is nothing more than an overgrown clitoris. They consider the male organ a primitive version of the more “refined” female sexual apparatus.3Ibid., 22

Then do men have a vagina?

Every man carries with him a little souvenir of the time when his masculinity was not so obvious. In the anatomy books it is called vagina masculina, or male vagina. Once upon a time it was destined to become a real vagina, but that never worked out. It is simply a tiny tag of tissue tacked on to the edge of the bladder. Men even have an equivalent of the hymen. Virgin or not, this tiny memento remains permanently intact in every adult male. It is called the “seminal colliculus” — colliculus is Latin for little hill. Not nearly as informative as the female hymen, it is simply a little hill of tissue next to the prostate gland, a leftover of the sex that might have been.4Ibid., 25

The author defines sexual relations in three types: reproductive, romantic (to express love) and recreational. What he said about the latter type was a sign of the changing sexual mores of the time:

Most Western religions are against it, moral educators unanimously condemn it, parents are (apparently) against it, and everyone wants to do it. This is sex for fun, for the sheer physical and emotional exhilaration of feeling all the good feelings that come from a complete sexual experience. This is recreational sex at its best. Almost everyone under the age of twenty-five is for it openly, and nearly everyone else seeks it actively, if secretly. There is nothing wrong with funsex. Human beings—and for that matter, all mammals—are provided with penis or vagina and an overwhelming compulsion to use them. There is no reason why they shouldn’t, and specifically in a way that will bring them the maximum pleasure.5Ibid., 45

There is one group of women who adore men with premature ejaculation: prostitutes. On the evening that a girl is lucky to find a dozen gentlemen who are quick on the trigger, she can be home in bed (her own) by nine-thirty.6Ibid., 87

Should children be kept from masturbation?
Is masturbation harmful?

The only thing harmful about masturbation is the guilt that is drummed into children who admit masturbating, by parents who may themselves masturbate but don’t admit it. Every human being, at one time or another, in one way or another, has masturbated. Most of them have felt overwhelmingly guilty because of it. Most of them have continued masturbating.

Some of the terrible things masturbation is supposed to cause are pimples on the face, loss of manhood, pollution, and weakness. Of these afflictions only pimples are a recognized disease. All children at the time of puberty develop pimples. Virtually all children are actively masturbating at that time. It would then be more accurate to conclude that pimples cause masturbation. No minister, moralist, teacher, or scientific researcher has ever shown any evidence that masturbation is harmful in any way.7Ibid., 153

What kinds of things do girls insert into the vagina?

The most common object is the most available one-—a finger. […] Candles, cucumbers, carrots, darning eggs, and many other household items are used. There is no problem of lubrication, unlike the male, since adequate supplies of natural lubricant are available. Women who are serious about masturbating this way usually improve on these makeshift devices. They frequently acquire a dildoe.8Ibid., 160

What are sex perverts?

Anyone who isn’t interested in the penis-vagina version of sex is often considered a pervert and shunned by normal people. This includes such types as exhibitionists, Peeping Toms, sadists, fetishists, masochists, and those with similar tastes. They are thought of as wild-eyed drooling maniacs, lusting for an innocent victim. It just isn’t that way.

Why not?
First of all, pervert is an unkind and loaded word. It is derogatory rather than purely descriptive. A better word is sexual variant.9Ibid., 173

On Menopause and the “usefulness” of women

Not really a man but no longer a functional woman, these individuals live in the world of intersex. […] To many women the menopause marks the end of their useful life. They see it as the onset of old age, the beginning of the end. They may be right. Having outlived their ovaries, they may have outlived their usefulness as human beings.10Ibid., 288-289

What is male homosexuality?

[Men who] often transform themselves into part-time women. They don women’s clothes, wear make-up, adopt feminine mannerisms, and occasionally even try to rearrange their bodies along feminine lines.11Ibid., 129

Could homosexuality just be a hormone problem?

Hormone imbalance is another explanation homosexuals reach for. Unfortunately it doesn’t hold water. The basic idea stems from the fact that men and women have the sex hormones of both sexes circulating in their bloodstreams simultaneously. According to the hormone theory, if the female hormone dominates in the male, effeminate characteristics and homosexuality emerge. When tested experimentally the idea falls apart.

First, it doesn’t explain masculine homosexuals. A certain number of men who appear muscular, athletic, and manly in every respect are actually enthusiastic homosexuals. Some of those over-muscled young men whose pictures adorn the physical culture magazines are only interested in the endowments of other young men. Obviously they have enough male sex hormones.

Second, injection of massive amounts of male sex hormones should counteract homosexual impulses. It doesn’t. As a matter of fact, quite the opposite. Active homosexuals who are given large doses of male sex hormones become even more active as homosexuals.12Ibid., 130

Couldn’t homosexuals just be born that way?

A lot of homosexuals would like to think so. They prefer to consider their problem the equivalent of a club foot or birthmark; just something to struggle through life with. This explanation is a little tragic. It implies that all homosexuals are condemned without appeal to a life some of them say they enjoy so much. Actually for those who want to change there is a chance.

If a homosexual who wants to renounce homosexuality finds a psychiatrist who knows how to cure homosexuality, he has every chance of becoming a happy, well-adjusted, heterosexual.


The primary interest is the penis, not the person. A homosexual may have as many as five sexual experiences in one evening—all with different partners. He rarely knows their names—he is unlikely to see any of them again. Besides, few homosexuals use their real names. They generally go by aliases, choosing first names with a sexual connotation. Harry, Dick, Peter, are the most favoured.

Some gay guys write their telephone numbers on walls—in telephone booths, men’s toilets, railway stations, anywhere other homosexuals pass. Occasionally they note their specialty. These fellows call themselves telephone hustlers (by identification with heterosexual prostitutes).

They go home and wait for the phone to ring. It never takes very long. Another gay guy calls, they quickly exchange qualifications, and make a date. A few minutes later there is a knock on the door, penises are produced, and another homosexual affair is concluded. Elapsed time from portal to portal, about six minutes.

Isn’t that kinda dangerous?

Homosexuals thrive on danger. It almost seems part of their sexual ritual. For reasons he doesn’t understand himself, the average homosexual thinks nothing of inviting a stranger to his apartment at two a.m. for a little run. Sometimes things go wrong and he gets more than he bargained for. In every large city the morning newspaper occasionally carries an item like this: “Police found the nude body of Zack Ulmer, a busboy, in his apartment early this morning. According to the medical examiner he had been beaten to death with a heavy candlestick. Neighbours reported seeing him admit an unknown man shortly before midnight. No motive was immediately apparent”

Murder is exceptional—assault, robbery, and blackmail are commonplace. Identifying with their female counterparts, homosexual prostitutes, or hustlers, think nothing of absconding with their customers’ wallets in the wee hours of the morning. Disagreements over sexual procedures and prerogatives sometimes lead to savage beatings. There is even a subcategory of homosexual known as “S and M.” This is the one type of gay guy the others fear. Rarely will any homosexual homosexual pick up an “S and M.”

“S and M”? What does that mean?

Technically, sadist and masochist. Literally, trouble. Those who combine homosexuality with sadistic and masochistic aberrations are among the cruellest people who walk this earth. In ancient times they found employment as professional torturers and executioners. More recently they filled the ranks of Hitler’s Gestapo and SS.

How does an “S and M” work?

They specialize in luring other homosexuals to their apartments, trapping them, and torturing them. Fortunately the tortures are usually low-key and childish. Fear of arrest and punishment keeps them in line. […] Occasionally the torturer gets carried away, the evening escalates and ends in mutilation, castration, and death. Sadly, that’s all part of the homosexual game.13Ibid., 132-135

The author explains what he views as the dilemma of homosexuality

Since one penis can’t fit inside another he must search for a place to insert his organ. Every orifice and skin-fold is a potential candidate. For many homosexuals, there is only one solution.

What is that?

The anus. Of all the structures of the body that is the one which most resembles the vagina. Of course, there are certain differences. The anus was designed as the terminal end of the gastrointestinal tract—it is not really prepared to receive the erect penis. This in itself provides certain formidable mechanical obstacles which must be overcome before this brand of homosexuality becomes possible. In contrast to the vagina which is tremendously elastic (as it must be to accommodate the infant’s head at birth), the anus hardly stretches at all. However, determined assault by the homosexual penis, generous amounts of lubrication, and intense pain on the part of the “recipient” ultimately result in “success.” As the homosexual progresses from partner to partner, the orifice loses most of its muscle-tone; fine for “fun” but it doesn’t do much for bowel function.

In anal intercourse doesn’t the one on the bottom always play the part of the woman?

That brings up an interesting point. Superficially, the majority of homosexuals are indistinguishable from their heterosexual brothers. The rest have divided themselves, by choice, into “male” and “female.” In the sardonically poetic language of the gay world, the effeminate nude homosexual is known as a queen. Some of them do justice to their name.

Long blonde hair (usually a wig), a full complement of makeup, removal of all body hair, and lots of perfume are the first steps. Then come the clothes. Most queens reign in drag, that is, women’s clothes. (Those who are diffident about appearing in public in female attire are cattily referred to as closet queens.) Few real women have such alluring clothes as the queens. Among homosexuals, expense is no object and there is never a husband in the background complaining about the cost of a new dress. No self-respecting queen would ever be caught dead in last year’s outfit.

What they wear underneath is also very important to the queens. Generally they favour the same underwear as female prostitutes: lots of transparent black nylon with black lace trim. Upstairs, understandably, they prefer padded bras. The peek-a-boo look around the bosom will never catch on in homosexual circles except for a tiny group of the most daring queens.

What about down below?

They even have something going there. Carefully moulded female genitalia of pliable rubber are very popular with those who strive for authenticity. They are complete in every detail. If function is desired, an artificial vagina is available.

An artificial vagina?

This is a mail order item. It runs up to £8 postpaid and arrives (obviously) in a plain brown wrapper. The catalogue describes it this way:

“No. 237. Artificial vagina. Flesh coloured, soft pliable plastic. Designed to reproduce the female sex organs in every detail. Feels identical to the real thing. Can be inflated to depict the labia majora and labia minora as enlarged by sexual desire. Sanitary, re-usable.” The artificial vagina is built into a pair of flesh-coloured nylon stretch panties—one size fits everyone.

Actually the market for this deceiver is rather limited—most homosexuals prefer other ways.

What about masculine homosexuals?

Homosexuals have a tendency to overdo this sort of thing. There never was a man more manly than a butch, as the queen’s alter-ego is known. Butches lean heavily toward masculine trappings such as leather motorcycle jackets, tight pants of coarse material, super-masculine shirts, heavy boots, and other exaggerations of men’s wear. In most large cities there are shops catering to the sartorial requirements of butches. For rural homosexuals, several mail order operations supply their needs.14Ibid., 139

Aren’t homosexuals afraid of being arrested?

Maybe they should be, but they aren’t. Lack of fear of the consequences is one of the puzzling characteristics of homosexual behaviour. In reality no homosexual need ever be arrested for his sexual deeds.

From a rational point of view, men who wish to masturbate each other can do so discreetly, secretly, and leisurely. (It is far easier to rent a hotel room for a homosexual act than for a heterosexual one.) They could entertain themselves at length with whatever variations of sexuality might appeal to them. No one would discover them, no one would arrest them, no one would disturb them.

Most homosexuals do it another way. They have a compulsion to flaunt their sex in public. A public washroom is frequently their stage. Bus stations and parks, are haunted by gay guys. Random and reckless selection of partners is the trademark. The fact that the stranger is likely to be a policeman, an “S and M,” or a syphillitic never seems to occur to them. This is the core of homosexuality.

But all homosexuals aren’t like that, are they?

Unfortunately, they are just like that. One of the main features of homosexuality is promiscuity. It stands to reason. Homosexuals are trying the impossible: solving the problem with only half the pieces. They say they want sexual gratification and love but they eliminate, right from the start, the most obvious source of love and gratification—woman. The only other possible form of sexual activity must centre around their own penis (or the penis of another man). Penis or vagina, that’s it right there. No other options are available.

Then the game gets rough. The homosexual must constantly search for the one man, the one penis, the one experience, that will satisfy him. Tragically there is no possibility of satisfaction because the formula is wrong. One penis plus one penis equals nothing. There is no substitute for heterosex—penis and vagina. Disappointed, stubborn, discouraged, defiant, the homosexual keeps trying. He is the sexual Diogenes, always looking for the penis that pleases.

That is the reason he must change partners endlessly. He tries each phallus in succession, then turns away remorsefully. “No, that’s not the one!” He is in a difficult position—condemned eternally to search after what does not exist—after what never existed.

What about all the homosexuals who live together happily for years?

What about them? They are mighty rare birds among the homosexual flock. Moreover, the “happy” part remains to be seen. The bitterest argument between husband and wife is a passionate love sonnet by comparison with a dialogue between a butch and his queen. Live together? Yes. Happily? Hardly.

The other part of these “marriages” that doesn’t fit in with happiness is that the principals never stop cruising. They may set up housekeeping together, but the parade of penises usually continues unabated. Only this time, jealousy, threats, tantrums, and mutual betrayal are thrown in for good measure. Mercifully for both of them, the life expectancy of their relationship together is brief.15Ibid., 143

How do male homosexuals get along with female homosexuals?

About the only thing they have in common is their contempt for straight arrows, the term they use for heterosexuals. Any relationship that exists between them is based on grudging mutual tolerance. Rarely does a female homosexual turn up in a male gay bar. Usually the tensions run too high.16Ibid., 144

All homosexuals don’t find their partners on the street, do they?

Church meetings, singles groups, blind dates, family introductions, are exclusively heterosexual territory. Not even the ultimate in commercialized sex, computerized dating, has found a way to cash in on homosexuals.

The one refuge for every homosexual is the gay bar. These establishments cater exclusively to a homosexual clientèle and are often operated by homosexuals. They are profitable because they corner the market—no gay guy can really relax in a straight joint.

The first visit to a gay bar is quite an experience. Superficially, it seems like any cocktail lounge. Men and women sit at the bar and mingle freely at booths and tables. There is the usual background of conversation with male and female voices balancing each other. Then it slowly begins to sink in—the entire room is filled with men!

The feminine whispers, the high-pitched laughter, the soft signs, are men’s voices. The cocktail dresses, the tight black outfits, are worn by men. Even the trim, middle-aged matron entering the ladies room (one sign says “Queens”) is a man.

The sexy babe in the tight mini-skirt owes her womanhood to two pounds of foam padding, a pound of make-up, and a lot of wishful thinking. In the daytime “she” parks cars.

In the corner booth, a senior citizen in a Nehru outfit is sitting with three young men. They have a hard glossy look; they mean business. Old homosexuals who have lost their charm but not their money attract a swarm of male prostitutes who will put up with anything if the price is right. Sometimes an ageing queen needs, and is willing to pay for, two or three of them to do what one could do twenty years ago.

At another table a woman—no, a man, sits glumly. He is a closet queen. This is his first time out in drag and he is nervous. He has spent hours putting on his make-up; every hair on his blond wig is sprayed carefully in place. His padded breasts strain against his tight silk blouse. A sinister-looking butch in tight suede pants and a studded belt swaggers over and drops into the chair opposite him.

“How about a drink, baby?”
The queen nods her acquiescence. Homosexual romance begins to blossom. A pastry-chef has just picked up a used-car salesman.

Homosexuals live in their own world, with their own substitute for women, and even their own language.17Ibid., 145

Homosexuals have their own language?

Not precisely a language, but a private argot that has its own cynical humour. Curiously the majority of expressions relate to food. The list reads like a menu. Here are a few:

FISH: woman (contemptuously)
FISHWIFE: a male homosexual’s real wife
SEAFOOD: a homosexual sailor
CHICKEN: young homosexual
MEAT: penis
BUNS: buttocks

Other homosexual expressions come right from the vocabulary of the heterosexual prostitute with whom gay guys have a lot in common. The following are international:

DO: suck a penis
HUSTLER: male prostitute
TROUBLE: a butch who is likely to cause trouble
STRAIGHT: a heterosexual
TRICK: partner for a transient homosexual encounter

These terms are purely homosexual:
NELLY: effeminate homosexual
QUEEN: another word for the same
GIRL: more of the same
AUNTIE: an ageing homosexual
FAG HAG: a woman who is attracted to male homosexuals
R.G.: a real girl (since homosexuals usually refer to themselves as “girls” they need a specific expression to designate a real woman)
S AND M: sadist-masochist or slave-master
DRAG: female attire worn by homosexuals and transvestites
DRAG QUEEN: a homosexual who comes on in drag
DRAG SHOW: a performance by female impersonators
CLOSET QUEEN: a homosexual who denies or suppresses his homosexual feelings, usually intended as an insult; also can refer to a homosexual who is not currently active
TRADE: homosexual looking for “action”
DO FOR TRADE: giving him some “action”
BUTCH: a masculine, usually super-masculine, homosexual
ROUGH TRADE: vicious or dangerous homosexual
CAMP: be obviously and obnoxiously homosexual
WRINKLE-ROOM: gay bar frequented by ageing homosexuals

This is just a sample—the list goes on and on.18Ibid., 146

Why do so many homosexual expressions refer to food?

Food seems to have a mysterious fascination for homosexuals.
Many of the world’s greatest chefs have been homosexuals.
Some of the country’s best restaurants are run by homosexuals.
Some of the fattest people are homosexuals.

The exact reason is complex but clearly food overshadows much of homosexual behaviour. Aside from using their mouths as a principal sexual organ, food plays another role in their sexual lives. Since Nature apparently did not anticipate homosexuality, the male has not been equipped with glands to secrete a sexual lubricant. Thus the first problem that two gay guys have to solve before making love is lubrication. Many homosexuals favour cooking grease. Salad oil and margarine are commonly used. Among gourmets, butter and olive oil are preferred. But it doesn’t stop there.

Most homosexuals find their man-to-man sex unfulfilling so they masturbate a lot. Much of their masturbation centres around the anus. The question, of course, is what to use for a penis. The answer is often found in the pantry. Carrots and cucumbers are pressed into service. Forced into the anus, lubricated with vegetable oil, they give some homosexuals what they seek.

Egg white is also considered a good lubricant. Sometimes the whole egg in the shell finds itself where it doesn’t belong. Sausages, especially the milder varieties, are popular.

The homosexual who prefers to use his penis must find an anus. Many look in the refrigerator. The most common masturbatory object for this purpose is a melon. Canteloupes are usual, but where it is available, papaya is popular.19Ibid., 147

Actually “kitchen masturbation” is harmless compared to some other forms of rectal recreation. When homosexuals drink, things really begin to happen. Nearly every intern in the emergency room of a large city hospital has seen [items like a flashlight in a homosexual’s rectum].


Flashlights aren’t the worst—light bulbs are. Occasionally a homosexual manages to pass one of these into the rectum. No clamp can get a grip on them. Major surgery is urgently indicated and there is real danger. If the bulb bursts, the result may be intestinal perforation, peritonitis, and death.

Some of the more routine items that find their way into the gastrointestinal systems of homosexuals via the exit are pens, pencils, lipsticks, combs, pop bottles, ladies’ electric shavers, and enough other items to stock a small department store.20Ibid., 148-149

The book contains some bizarre stories that involve homosexuality:

Recently a middle-aged homosexual appeared at the emergency room at midnight in agony. This is how he told it:

“Doctor—well, you understand these things. I can tell you, can’t I?” After a deep sigh, he went on. ‘Well, I’m not like your other men, you know I like my own kind of people. Anyhow, I got married tonight. Not to a real girl of course, I would never do anything like that. But to the most beautiful person you can imagine. Why he’s just… Then he remembered why he was there. “Anyhow we were starting to celebrate our wedding night when you know what he did? He was so silly; he took this beautiful gold wedding band I gave him, he took it right off his finger and he put it on my heh-heh—you know what I mean, don’t you doctor?”

Examination confirmed the poor fellow’s story. Around the base of an immensely swollen purple penis was a gold wedding band, almost buried in the puffed-up tissue. This fellow was lucky. His wedding night only cost him a few minutes of excruciating pain while the ring was immobilized and cut away, followed by a week on the sexual sidelines. Some who are victims of similar experiences wait too long, gangrene occurs, and they end up more womanly than they intended.

Are there any other parts of the body that appeal to the homosexual?

One more and probably the most intriguing of all—the male vagina. To possess this organ, the essence of femininity, is the consuming wish of some homosexuals. To overcome the obstacles of genetics, anatomy, physiology, to finally become a woman, is worth anything. Precious few succeed.

How can a man have a vagina? Is it possible?

With the miracles of modern medical science, virtually anything is possible. Skilful albeit bizarre surgery, audacious hormone therapy, and above all a willingness on the part of the patient to sacrifice anything makes the impossible a reality.

It goes something like this. First the patient has to find a doctor willing to do the job. Certain European surgeons are known to be willing. Not surprisingly at least one of them is a well-known homosexual himself. The operation is fairly simple: Under general anaesthetic, the penis is amputated at the base. The testicles are also removed, completely. Then it gets interesting. By skilful plastic surgery an artificial vagina is constructed below the root of the penis. This part of the operation is well known, since artificial vaginas are routinely constructed in young women born with absent or abnormal vaginal canals.

Simultaneously, plastic surgery is being performed on the breasts. The usual method is injection of silicone foam, a process also used on under-endowed females. Goodbye penis and testicles, hello vagina and breasts and a man becomes a woman. Almost but not quite. Actually he is simply a man who has lost his external genitalia. He has gained a pound of chemical foam plastered onto his chest and an open wound where most of his reproductive system used to be. He still has plenty of problems.

First he must dilate his new vagina daily. Otherwise it closes up. Nature resents meddling and tries to correct man’s mistakes. For the first couple of months, the new “woman” does the dilating himself. After that he looks for someone else to do it.

There is also the matter of hormones. The adrenal gland stubbornly continues to produce testosterone. It hasn’t got the news. To counteract this, the “lady” must take female sex hormones to keep down her beard and keep up appearances. She also must rub hormone cream into her breasts to keep them looking feminine.21Ibid., 150-151

What do female homosexuals do with each other?

Like their male counterparts, lesbians are handicapped by having only half the pieces in the anatomical jigsaw puzzle. Just as one penis plus one penis equals nothing, one vagina plus another vagina still equals zero. The most common lesbian sexual activity is mutual masturbation.

Some female homosexuals lean toward tribadism. This calls for one woman to lie atop the other while the pubic areas are rubbed together-faster and faster as the sexual excitement increases. Pressure and friction on the clitoris finally brings on orgasm. Some “tribads” almost accomplish an equivalent of heterosexual intercourse.

Some women simply take turns using the dildoe to masturbate each other. Often this tends to be too exciting for the lady who is waiting her turn to be copulated with the artificial penis and too dull for the one who has already had her turn. About 200 years ago, an anonymous Japanese genius came up with the solution. It is known in Japan as the “harigata.” It is a long, flexible dildoe with two heads. Each woman inserts one end into her respective vagina, and both of them get what they are looking for. The unanswered question at this point then becomes why they need each other. If they snip the harigata in the middle, both girls can go home and enjoy themselves at leisure.22Ibid., 215-217

[B]asically all homosexuals are alike—looking for love where there can be no love and looking for sexual satisfaction where there can be no lasting satisfaction.23Ibid., 217

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